A programmable logic controller (PLC) is an industrial solid-state computer that monitors inputs and outputs, and makes logic-based ...

Phases of earlier 3 Industrial Revolutions 1760 to 1840 - Ushered in Mechanical production; railways and steam engine 1870 to 1940 ...

Ladder diagrams (LD) Ladder diagrams also called with ladder logic. This programming languages visualized electrical contact (NO/NC, et...


Every programmable logic controller must have some means of receiving and interpreting signals from real-world sensors such as switche...

The PLC consists of the following components: Processor module (CPU) Memory, Power supply, Input/output modules. THE PROC...

PLC is  used in the fully automated industries or plants or process, the actual processes handled and controlled by the controllers wh...

The difference between Programmable Logic Controllers and Microcontrollers. There is lot of confusion about using PLC’s rather than m...

           Basically, a microcontoller (µC) contains not only processing unit but small amount of memory (ROM, RAM etc.), few IO...